How to label a parcel.

How to Label a Parcel

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How to Label a Parcel in the UK

Apart from securing items and properly packing a parcel, addressing it correctly is fundamental for the delivery process. In the modern world, there are more addresses and details that a sender should put on a label than ever before, so it's easier to make a mistake.

Moreover, domestic shipping differs from international shipments, so it's beneficial to check how to address a package according to the guidelines adopted in the country we want to send parcels.

A reliable source of information about how to label a parcel is the post office, which in the UK is Royal Mail. On their website, you can find all the necessary information about this topic, including how to write address labels for international parcel deliveries.

At Packlink, we care about exceptional customer care, as we want to ensure our customers have all the essential information to send parcels and benefit from convenient courier services. That is why we prepared this guide on how to correctly address parcels, to make the whole shipping experience even more accessible and effortless.

What Information Should Appear on an Adress Label?

There is some parcel label information that is absolutely necessary for the package to be shipped to the correct address and on time. In most cases, the basic information that you'll need is:

  • Recipient's name and address
  • Locality name (if needed)
  • Town
  • Zip code

Suppose you are shipping a parcel to a company or institution. In that case, you can usually find their address on their website or on the products you purchased from them, so this way, you already have all the information ready to put on a label. If you're shipping to a private address, the best practice is to ask the recipient about this information.

When you're using postage services via courier companies, oftentimes, you'll be obligated to print labels of the chosen company to include additional information on your package, like bar codes, etc. These printable labels can be found on the courier's website.

How to Write a Label for a Package

Once you have all the delivery details, it's essential to put them on a shipping label in the proper manner. How to address labels for parcels? For domestic parcels in the UK, the proper way to address a package is to place the name and the address on the bottom left-hand corner of the front of the package.

The correct sequence is to write a name in the first line, then adress (including building or house number) with the street name, town, city, and the whole postcode. The end result should look like this:

  • Recipient' name
  • Building/house number and street name
  • Town
  • City
  • Full postcode

Tips to Bear in Mind

  1. Write as clearly as possible, and when you're printing a label, choose an easy-to-read font.
  2. Select a pen or ink that is clearly visible against the colour of the label/package.
  3. Don't use commas or full stops.
  4. Stick to the left side and don't centre the lines.
  5. Make sure you're leaving enough space around the adress information.
  6. Avoid placing any phone numbers or e-mail addresses directly on the label or outside the package to protect your and your recipient's sensitive information.
  7. Place the correct postage on the top right.

When it comes to shipping internationally, the way to adress a parcel may change depending on the country you want to ship it to. The most relevant information about this topic can be found on the Post Office website. You can learn how to adress packages to Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, New Zealand, India, and other countries, as well as print international shipping labels.

Adress Label and Shipping Label

Although seemingly there are no differences between an adress label and a shipping label, the two are not the same. We've already covered what information should be included on the adress label. Shipping labels will usually have additional information significant for the courier company. These would be:

  • Sender's address
  • Recipient's adress
  • Parcel's weight
  • Contents of the package
  • Inspection information (if needed)
  • Tracking number
  • QR code

All of this information is relevant for the whole shipping process, and that is why many times, when filling out postage labels, you'll be asked to use the courier company's label that is ready to print.

How to Label a Package?

Apart from getting the correct label and filling it out correctly, there is a matter of attaching it to a parcel, so it is secured and ready for shipping. It is crucial for all the labels to stay attached to the box so that the parcel can be delivered without any significant issues and delays.

One way to attach a label is to print it out and glue it or tape it to the box or packaging. Make sure that the label is carefully affixed. You can also decide on the documents enclosed envelope label, which protects the shipping documents from being lost or destroyed. The envelope can be attached to the parcel in a similar manner as the shipping label.

To best secure your package during the shipment process, it might be beneficial to have additional labels printed. These labels might give essential instructions regarding how to handle the parcel. For example, labels like 'Fragile', 'This Way Up', and 'Handle With Care' all serve this purpose.

Where to Get Cheap Shipping Labels?

You can find adress and shipping labels online on your courier's page. The cheapest way to get the labels is to print them yourself. If you don't have a printer at home or you need a large number of labels, you can use different services to print labels.

For private needs, you can print a parcel label at a local library or any printing spot. If you need labels for your business shipments, you can receive some attractive deals from your courier company or use a printing company.

Find a Courier to Send Your Parcel Online

You don't have to look for the most affordable courier services on your own. Packlink gives you an easy tool to compare many different couriers and find the best offer for your needs. All you need to do is enter some information like your adress, the adress of the recipient, weight, length, width, and height of your parcel, and you can have access to many quotes from leading courier companies on the market.

We work with the most reliable courier companies to offer our customers the most satisfying level of service. With Packlink, you can ship domestically and internationally, and our services are both for private individuals and companies. We also offer our support throughout the shipping process. With us, you'll quickly resolve any issue!

Many of our clients benefit significantly from our Packlink PRO service, which helps companies manage their shipments and always find the most suitable prices for shipping. Packlink offers many shipping services, including Next Day Delivery, Large Parcel Delivery, Drop-off Delivery, and many others, so you can always find the best solution for your shipping needs.

Packlink offers some of the most affordable solutions that will allow you to save up to 50% on national shipments and 70% on international shipments. We make shipping comfortable, cheap, and stress-free!